Lotto no's 11–15–22–24 no jackpot winner £50 winner Olive Walls Luney rd Jackpot next week £1700
Monday Ladies training 6–30 in Gaelic Centre
Tuesday U/14's 7pm Seniors 8pm
Wednesday U/16's 7pm Minor's 8–30 in Gaelic centre
Thursday Senior and Minor 7–30 in Ballinascreen
Saturday U/14 12-00 U/16 2pm at Gaelic centre bring indoor and outdoor gear
Sunday 12–00 @ Gaelic Centre Minor game Desertmartin v Kilrea
Fr Madden was elected Club President for 2008
Adult Irish classes for beginner's will commence on Wed 20th at 8-30 for six weeks cost £20
Membership is now due and must be paid to Gerry McGuigan before the end of Feb
A meeting will be held in the Gaelic Centre on Thurs 21th for any one interested in playing Rounders new members welcome
The club wishes to thank all those who attended the Irish night and contributed to it's success