Club Notes – Week begining 7th Jan

Weekly club notes

Lotto no's 7 -9 -10 -15
No jackpot winner £50 winner Jean Trainor Tobermore Rd jackpot now £1450
Anyone interested in helping with underage should contact Chris Trainor on 07818252174
A yearly planner for hall and pitch is being prepared for use of these facilities contact Colm Breen on 796 33887 or Chris Trainor
Membership is now due and can be paid to Gerry McGuigan 07980863757
Senior circuit training Tues @8pm
U/16 and Ladies circuit training Wed @7-30
Want to lose weight and get fit contact Chris Trainor for further information
U/14 training Sat 3pm @ Gaelic centre bring indoor and outdoor gear
Irish Classes for P5-P6-P7 pupils will commence on Wednesday 16th January for 8 weeks in Gaelic Centre from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.£10 per child. Proceeds for the promotion of Irish Culture.
Urgent meeting for all Ladies footballers Wednesday 16th January 7pm sharp.New members welcome.