Lotto nos drawn 8 – 11 – 19 – 22 no jackpot winner £50 winner Gerard Walls Luney Villas
Names for Gaeltacht should be given to Treasurer Seamus McElwee Tel 07743223451
Tickets for Derry v Donegal game must be ordered with Chairman Pat Kidd Tel 07718257555 on or before Tuesday 20th May. We have been advised that there are no concessionary tickets. All tickets are non refundable. Ticket prices are Covered Stand £20. Uncovered Stand £19. Terrace £13.
Thurs 15th 8pm U/16s Desertmartin v Ballinascreen
Sat 17th 7.30pm ACRL Newbridge v Desertmartin
Sun 18th 8pm ACFL Desertmartin v Claudy
Mon 19th 8pm U/ 14s Desertmartin v Coleraine
Mon 19th 7.30pm Ladies Desertmartin v Craigbane, See Stephanie for details