The club and committee would like to thank all those local businesses who contributed to the 5K and 10K race in any way to making it the success it was. These include
Anne Kelly & Co Solicitors
B. McNally & Sons
Ballinascreen Credit Union
BMK Steel
Brysons Bar
Burns & Co Draperstown
Carmel McGuigan
Centra Draperstown
Centra Magherafelt
Challenge Fitness
Christie Printing
Ciara McGuigan (The CMAC Academy)
Clone Construction
Davy O’Kane
Diamond Service Station
Eamonn McGuigan
Gerard McGuckin
Herons Joinery
Homecare Plumbing Supplies
John Breen
John McConnell
Kevin Kerr
Laurence O’Kane (Pharmacy Supplies)
Lauri O’Kane & Sons (Draperstown Livestock Market)
Lynch’s Eurospar
Market Inn
McSwiggans Magherafelt
Moneymore Potatoes
Moneymore Spar
O’Hagan Crane Hire
O’Kane Boyle Solicitors
Paul McGovern (Tir-Con)
Paul Regan (Meat At Regan’s)
PJ Connery
Sperrin Bakery
Sperrin Electronics
Sperrin Galvanisers
Spires Oral Care
Supechip Desertmartin
TGM Plant Hire
The Shamrock
The Underground
W J Hanna
W McGillian
The Beeches
Also we would like to thank Jennifer from “Rub. Sports Massage Therapy.” for the pre run rubs.