As the new season opens it is vitally important that we get registration up to date before we get into full flight, particularly for players and coaches.
What does my membership get me?
- Registered with Croke Park
- Supervised coaching by vetted and trained coaches
- Player injury fund cover
- Playing members will have access to physiotherapy
- Entry to League, Championship, GoGames, etc
- In the near future paid up members will be able to attend group classes in the new gym
How much is it?
Adult Player | £60 |
Youth Player | £30 |
Student/OAP | £30 |
Friends of Desertmartin
Anyone who wants to do give a bit back to aid the development of the club with our Gold and Silver Friends of Desertmartin subscriptions please click the link to find out more.
Can I register online?
We are encouraging members to register online with Foireann. This is the G.A.A. membership database and you can now register yourself right from your own laptop or phone – you have probably created an account to complete your health declarations over the covid-19 pandemic years, and your login details are still the same. If you can’t remember your password use the forgot my password link rather than creating a duplicate account. Click on the image to log on.
Below are how to videos on how to login and update you and your families details, as well as how to register yourself for the incoming season.
How to log in and check your profile
How to register online – Family and individual
How to register a child online
Want to pay cash?
If you would prefer to pay with good old cash, you can still start the process online, and on the payment page select Pay Later in Club. This way we know who’s waiting to pay cash.

If you can’t register online, the registrar can still take cash and manually register you to the system.