Weekly notes including Annual Bazaar, Foundation Football and Child Protection Courses, Lotto numbers, Reserve league success, club Merchandise and indoor circuit training.
The annual Bazaar takes place on Friday 7th December in St. Mary's parochial hall. We depend on the proceeds of this bazaar for a lot of running expenses, so we ask you to support it as you always do. Collectors will visit the houses during the week, If you are not in when they call, you can deliver your contribution to the collecter for your area.
The collectors for the parish areas will be in the church bulletin this weekend .
Foundation Football Course and Child Protection Course will be held in the Gaelic Centre on Saturday 15th December, anyone interested in acquiring these certs please contact Chris Trainor.
Lotto Nos. 6, 9, 10, 11 no jackpot winner £50 won by Patricia Donnelly, Moorside Villas Jackpot now £1200
Congratulations to our Reserves on winning the Reserve League last weekend.
Club Merchandise: Leading up to Christmas there will be a limited amount of special edition club merchandise available in the club shop. This will include club umbrellas, mouse mats, mugs, coasters and key rings.
Indoor circuit training will continue this week for adult and youth, for further details contact Chris Trainor.