Weekly club notes including Club Shop, VHI Summer Camp, Gaeltacht Sponsorship, Under 8’s and 10’s plus the weekly lotto results.
Club Shop
The club shop will now be open on Monday nights between 9.00pm and 9.30pm.
VHI Summer Camp
Please note the VHI Summer Camp will be held on 14th, 15th and 16th Of August in Longfield. This is open to 7-13 year-olds. Application forms can be obtained from the Treasurer Veronica Smith and all names must be received by Sunday 10th June.
Gaeltacht Sponsorship
Anyone wishing to avail of Gaeltacht sponsorship please contact Veronica Smith on 79631547 by no later than Sunday 10th June.
Under 8’s and 10’s
Under 8’s and 10’s training continues on Friday evenings at Longfield at 6.30pm. There is also a Blitz on Sunday morning 10th June at Kilrea. All players to assemble at the Gaelic centre at 9.45am.
Lotto no's drawn: 4, 6, 13, 17.
£50 winner: Molly McFlynn, Moneymore
Jackpot now £1000