Club Notes Week Commencing 11/01/12

Lotto Numbers drawn 4, 8, 14 and 15. £50 winner Barney Mc Govern, Bancran Road. Jackpot £3000, 2nd Jackpot £800.

The club are currently seeking underage management. Anyone wishing to manage an under-age team must undergo a Child Protection course. Anyone interested cotact Pat Kidd.

Senior and Reserve meeting will take place on Friday 20th of January at 8PM at the Gaelic Centre to meet the new management. It is essential that all players wishing to play in the incoming season attend this important meeting.

Senior Scor will take placed in February. Anyone intereseted please contact Harry Mc Cann as soon as possible.

Junior club will restart this week following the Christmas break. Monday 9th – P6 and 7 @ 7 to 8PM. Wednesday 11th – P3, 4 and 5 @ 7 to 8PM. Saturday 14th – Pre School, P1 and @ 10 to 11 PM

The Weekly Quiz will resume on Friday 27th at 8.30PM at the Gaelic Centre. All players and members are to give their support as all proceeds are to go to the purchase of a new defibrillator

Keep free the night of the 21st of January as the club will hold a senior player and manager presentation and appreciation night for the previous season at the Shepards Rest, Draperstown. Music will be provided by JD country and admission is £10 Admission by booking only. Strictly no admission without booking. Contact Pat or Veronica to book your place.
