Jigs and Reels Contestants Interview – Week 1

Interview this week, Damien ‘Boat’ Burns and Nuala Monaghan.

First interviewed was Damien, who took time out after ‘lording it’ on the dance floor. Here are the questions I asked him

What was your inspiration to take part in Jigs and Reels?

“A lot of peer pressure from Mr Michael Mc Cann, but after a little consideration, I simply realised I have undoubtedly the best talent here.”

How would you best describe your dance partner?

“She has loads of enthusiasm, especially after being paired with me”

Chances of Winning?

“Dead cert mate”

(Some people may think that Damien is being a little big headed, but you should see some of that man’s moves, they are effortless!)

Next interviewed was Nuala, who took a well deserved break from the rehearsals.

What was your inspiration to take part in Jigs and Reels?

“To have the opportunity to dance again. Its been a while and I always wanted to try it again.”

How would you best describe your dance partner?

“Very keen and willing to learn all the tricks presented too him… so far anyway”

Chances of winning?

“Not in it to win, its the taking part that counts”

(Thats the spirit Nuala!)

Keep checking the website as there will be an interview with a pair every week

Naula Monaghan & Damien Burns

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